Smart Home Automation: Why it’s a Smart Choice

Smart devices make your life easier and your daily routines smoother. Beyond voice control and remote access through your smartphone, there is a world of smart home automation possibilities that many users never knew existed. In this article, we delve into why leveraging automation in your smart home setup is beneficial.

Discover the True Potential of Your Smart Home

Smart home devices often come loaded with features that go unnoticed. Leveraging automation features means unlocking the true potential of your devices, and setting them up to work together seamlessly, enhancing the overall functionality and convenience of your smart home system. For example, your doorbell can trigger lights to turn on when somebody’s at the door, or a weather station can stop your sprinkler system when it rains. The possibilities are only limited by the devices you have.

We strongly recommend that you choose devices designed to be interoperable with others. Technologies like Matter and Thread are making that easier than ever, and services like IFTTT are compatible with a wide range of devices.

smart home automation connects your smart devices together.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

One of the most significant benefits of automation is the potential for energy savings. Set your thermostat to lower the heat when you’re not home, or have your lights turn off automatically when you leave a room — these small automations can lead to substantial energy and cost savings over time.

Studies have quantified the potential cost savings of utilizing smart home technology. Some estimates place the potential energy savings as up to 40%. With rising energy costs, smart home automation is one way you can reduce your energy usage.

A More Secure Home

Smart home automation plays a crucial role in bolstering home security. Smart lights can simulate your presence at home by turning on and off at different times. Smart locks can be programmed to accept codes so that you know who’s unlocking the door. Smart security cameras are now more affordable than ever and provide added security with a simple installation that often takes less than 10 minutes.

These automated routines can provide peace of mind by enhancing the security features of your home.

Simplified Routines and Less Stress

Morning and evening routines can be simplified with automation. Imagine waking up to your favorite playlist, the curtains drawing themselves open, and the coffee maker brewing a fresh pot, all triggered by the action of your alarm ringing, and timed to wake you up at the best point in your sleep cycle. Bedtime routines could include locking doors, turning off the lights, and adjusting the thermostat with a simple command or the press of a button, ensuring a stress-free end to your day.

With smart home technology, you can connect devices and automate routines in a way that makes the most sense to you. Shift workers might appreciate such involved automation schemes as we mentioned above, but others with more flexible schedules might prefer to automate routines based on actions such as entering your bedroom after a certain time or keeping your blackout curtains drawn past sunrise so you catch those precious extra hours of sleep. There really is no right way to do it!

Another nice feature of setting up automations is that they’re editable. Perhaps only a part of your house has smart lighting. As you add new bulbs, you can add them to your automations, or create new automations for specific needs (some allow you to do this automatically during the setup process).

Smart Home Automation Can Make Your Life Easier

Smart home automation allows you to create an environment that is not only convenient but also energy-efficient, secure, and attuned to your daily rhythms. It is about crafting a living space that anticipates and responds to your needs in a seamless, intuitive manner, enhancing your quality of life one automated routine at a time.

Many manufacturers offer basic automations and routines to start out with. They’re a great starting point, but we highly recommend you create routines of your own. Need some help? Feel free to ask in the comment section below.

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About the Author

Ed Oswald

Ed Oswald has nearly two decades of experience in technology and science journalism, and specializes in weather stations and smart home technology. He's written for Digital Trends, PC World, and TechHive. His work has also appeared in the New York Times. When he isn't writing about gadgets, he enjoys chasing severe weather and winter storms.